terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014

Authenticity and Medical Education


Dialogues in Medical Education (DIME) 

Join in free of charge!
This is an exciting new initiative developed by Stewart Mennin and the AMEE Research Committee. Using the Wimba platform you can join a live interview conversation and dialogue with some key professionals and experts in the field of medical education. The first session will be held on Wednesday 12 February 2014 at 12 noon UK GMT. The conversation will be between Professor Olle ten Cate from University of Utrecht, Netherlands, and Stewart Mennin, and will cover the question of “Authenticity and Medical Education”. It’s not necessary to be an AMEE or MedEdWorld member to join in this first series of DIME, and there is no need to register. All you need is a computer and a good internet connection. Just go to http://ameelive.wimba.com/launcher.cgi?room=DIME to access the session and enter your name.

Please note: we strongly recommend that you test the Wimba platform on your computer well in advance of the session through the following link: http://ameelive.wimba.com/wizard/wizard.html.pl?wc=wms.conf  Please contact admin@mededworld.org in case of difficulty.

There will be more DIME topics over the next six months and a full list is available on http://www.mededworld.org/News/News-Articles/MedEdWorld-Introduces-new-initiative-–-DIME.aspx

Um comentário:

Roberto disse...

Subsequent topics in the DIME series will include: 

• ‘What happened to inquiry and explanation in medical education?’ with Henk Schmidt & Keven Eva; 

March 17.

• ‘From psychometrics to assessment as education, to coherent, institution-wide integration of assessment of students’ with Cees van der Vleuten & Lambert Schuwirth; 
April – Date to be announced

• ‘PBL-TBL: Where the ‘L’ are we; and how do we know it?’ with Diana Dolmans & Larry Michaelsen; 

May 22.

• ‘Trust me I’m a Doctor: Accreditation and licensing in the developed and developing world’ with John Norcini & Dan Hunt. June 6. 

• ‘Programme evaluation and sustainability: What? So what? Now what?’ with Michael Quinn Patton & Rebecca Henry. 
July 16.