Technology, innovation and health equity
Hildy Fong & Eva Harris
Center for Global Public Health and Division of Infectious
Diseases and Vaccinology, School of Public Health, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States of America.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2015;93:438-438A. doi:
Innovative technologies have enormous potential to improve
human well-being. However, technological progress does not guarantee
equitable health outcomes. As advances in technology redefine the ways
people, systems and information interact, resource-poor communities are
often excluded. Where technological fixes have been imposed on
communities, the results have included abandoned equipment, incompatible
computer programs and ineffective policies.
A shift in values among leadership, communities and the
creators of technology is critical to implementing technology
sustainably and equitably. Numerous examples exist of technological
applications that undermine equity, fairness and human rights: for
example, the use of high-tech medical interventions in preference to
simpler preventive measures or terminator genes that prevent the re-use
of seeds for food crops. To ensure equitable outcomes, the design and
implementation of technology need to respect ethical principles and
local values. Decisions on the use of new technology should be made by
local users, and implementation needs long-term commitment and local
ownership. Here, we discuss features of technology implementation that
can promote health equity, using a range of examples from the health,
agriculture and economic sectors.
Successful examples of technological implementation illustrate
the core values of equity. The Sustainable Sciences Institute (SSI)
helps develop and implement technologies, in partnership with local
communities, to combat infectious diseases in low-income settings. SSI’s
approach involves community-centred capacity building including
training programmes, small grants, material aid and partnerships to
provide long-term support.1,2
Laboratory techniques such as reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction (RT–PCR), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, cell culture and
flow cytometry have been applied in resource-poor settings by adapting
these technologies on-site and strengthening local knowledge of the
principles and limitations of each technique.1
In Nicaragua, scientists can now develop diagnostic kits
locally for diseases including dengue, leptospirosis and American
trypanosomiasis, and diagnosis can be done by regional as well as
central laboratories. Real-time RT–PCR testing for pandemic influenza
was operational before the first case presented in the 2009 pandemic.
The Nicaraguan National Virology Laboratory recently developed and
implemented diagnostic tests for Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne viral
disease that was recently introduced into Central America and the
Caribbean. Training local scientists, reducing scientific isolation and
promoting international collaboration enables rapid, local response to
communicable disease outbreaks.
Related examples exist worldwide in the arena of information
and communication technologies for health. Infectious disease
surveillance and laboratory and clinical management can be improved
using low-cost information systems, but these must be based on local
human resource capacity, hardware and software availability, and
SSI partnered with the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health to design
information systems to improve data quality, reduce costs and increase
decision-support for multiple end-users. In this context, mobile
(mHealth) tools and web-based systems for tracking paediatric
immunization, prenatal health and community health data have improved
access to information at the primary care level.1
Hesperian Health Guide’s Digital Commons project shows how health
information can be accessible to millions of users in digital and
multi-media formats.4
The content – developed and refined with partner communities worldwide –
is freely available via the internet and mobile tools, increasing
equitable access to critical resources at the community level.
Nongovernmental organizations such as BRAC (formerly the
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) support impoverished communities
by using innovation to leverage their own human and material resources.
In the 1960s, oral rehydration therapy was identified as a
ground-breaking yet simple way to treat diarrhoeal diseases. However, it
was not until oral rehydration was integrated into community health
strategies that its impact was fully realized.5
BRAC trained 13 million rural women in Bangladesh to treat children in
their communities using simple tools to measure salt-sugar-water
solution ratios.5
In the agricultural arena, organizations such as La Via
Campesina reach hundreds of thousands of farmers by teaching
agro-ecological principles, improving yields while conserving natural
resources and biodiversity. Capacity building that empowers communities
can promote food sovereignty and mitigate determinants that perpetuate
hunger. Diversified farming systems protect ecosystems by increasing the
genetic diversity of crop varieties and livestock. Biodiverse and
ecologically sustainable approaches are proving more productive and
resilient to changing environmental conditions than modern monoculture.6
Alternative economic models that espouse the core principles
of equity include microfinancing and grassroots entrepreneurship.
Programmes like BRAC, Grameen and Ashoka mobilize microfinance as a
social platform to deliver scaled-up services in health, education,
business development and livelihood support – all critical components in
breaking the cycle of poverty. Thus, technology can promote health
equity, if implemented in partnership with communities and based on core
values of local autonomy, fairness and ecological sustainability.
The authors thank Heather Zornetzer, Miguel Altieri, Sarah Shannon, Tikki Pang and Naomi Sager.
Competing interests:
Eva Harris is President of the Sustainable Sciences Institute
(San Francisco, United States of America; Cairo, Egypt; and Managua,
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