sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Diversidade no Ensino Médico

The Relationship between Racial and Ethnic Diversity in a Class and Students' Perceptions of Having Learned From Others

Within higher education, institutional differences in racial-ethnic diversity are positively associated with educational benefits. This Analysis in Brief examines the relationship between student body racial and ethnic diversity and level of student agreement with statements about learning from individuals from different backgrounds. It seeks to establish whether educational benefits from small increases in diversity can be achieved regardless of initial diversity amounts. Results show that students in the most racially diverse graduating classes report the highest levels of agreement that they have learned from others who are different from themselves, and students in the least racially diverse classes report the lowest level of agreement that they have learned from others who are different from themselves. This study advances existing knowledge about benefits of diversity by focusing on associations between diversity and benefits of learning among the most diverse schools and among the least diverse schools.  This information can facilitate schools’ capacity to address benefits of their diversity policies.

Analysis in Brief presents recent findings from the AAMC's data collection and research activities in a concise, easy-to-read report. Published several times a year, it addresses a wide range of topics and trends that affect medical schools and teaching hospitals.

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