domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011


Non-Technical and Cognitive Skills (NTCS) Self- Reflection and Faculty Evaluation Tools

Resource Type MEP ID Version Published
Evaluation Tool 9024
novembro 11, 2011


This resource aids learners in reflecting upon their strengths and weaknesses, particularly regarding non-technical and cognitive skills. Additionally, a faculty version of the resource is provided to facilitate and stimulate faculty to focus on these important areas during debriefing sessions. The tools may be used following simulated or real clinical encounters. They focus on the important, but often overlooked, concepts of leadership, teamwork, communication, resource utilization, situation awareness, and decision making. They also incorporate cognitive errors, or thought process traps that occur despite adequate clinical knowledge and availability of information. Because the categories of non-technical and cognitive skills apply ubiquitously across medical specialties, these tools may be used by any discipline, but are particularly suited to acute critical care encounters.


Stiegler M, Dhillon A, Huang Y, Uijdehaage S, Stiner J, Zacharia S, et al. Non-Technical and Cognitive Skills (NTCS) Self- Reflection and Faculty Evaluation Tools . MedEdPORTAL; 2011. Available from:

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