sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2015

Residência Médica

Oficina de Tutores no Rio de Janeiro marca reinício das atividades do Projeto Preceptoria ABEM na fase II

De 28 de janeiro a 1º de fevereiro de 2015 os 39 profissionais do Núcleo Docente estruturante do Projeto Preceptoria ABEM estarão acolhendo os 44 Tutores novos, carinhosamente chamados de Tutores Junior. Esta Equipe será responsável pelos Cursos locais nos 19 Centros, sendo 12 Centros de Referência (Escolas de Medicina de Instituições Federais que participaram da Fase I do Projeto e vão replicar o Curso com autonomia progressiva local) e 7 Centros Colaboradores (Escolas de Medicina de Instituições de Ensino Públicas indicadas pelas respectivas Regionais da ABEM e inseridas em Políticas Federais de incentivo e nos demais Projetos da ABEM). Além disso a UERJ, Instituição que certifica o Curso de Aperfeiçoamento dos Tutores, com a continuidade da parceria com o Núcleo de TeleSaúde, integra a 20ª Instituição de Ensino inserida neste Projeto. Em breve os Editais de Seleção para as 600 vagas disponibilizadas para Preceptores e/ou Docentes estarão disponíveis para inscrição dos interessados.

Universidade Federal do Acre Norte
Universidade Federal da Bahia Nordeste
Universidade Federal do Ceará Nordeste
Universidade Federal de Goiás Centro Oeste
Universidade Federal do Maranhão Nordeste
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso Centro Oeste
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul Centro Oeste
Universidade Federal do Pará Norte
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Nordeste
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Nordeste
Universidade Federal de Roraima Norte
Universidade Federal de Tocantins Norte

Universidade Federal do Amazonas Norte
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Sudeste
Universidade Estadual Paulista Sudeste
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Sul
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Sudeste
Universidade Federal da Integração Latino Americana Sul

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2015

Population Health

* Extracted of  Population Health in the Affordable Care Act Era
   by Michael A. Stoto, Ph.D.


Global Observatory for eHealth

eHealth is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for health. It is recognised as one of the most rapidly growing areas in health today.
The Fifty-eighth World Health Assembly in May 2005, adopted Resolution WHA58.28 establishing an eHealth strategy for WHO. The resolution urged Member States to plan for appropriate eHealth services in their countries. That same year, WHO launched the Global Observatory for eHealth (GOe), an initiative dedicated to the study of eHealth—its evolution and impact on health in countries. The Observatory model combines WHO coordination regionally and at headquarters to monitor the development of eHealth worldwide, with an emphasis on individual countries. Recognizing that the field of eHealth is rapidly transforming the delivery of health services and systems around the world, WHO is playing a central role in shaping and monitoring its future, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Mission and objectives

The Observatory’s mission is to improve health by providing Member States with strategic information and guidance on effective practices and standards in eHealth.
Its objectives are to:
  • provide relevant, timely, and high-quality evidence and information to support national governments and international bodies in improving policy, practice, and management of eHealth;
  • increase awareness and commitment of governments and the private sector to invest in, promote, and advance eHealth;
  • generate knowledge that will significantly contribute to the improvement of health through the use of ICT; and
  • disseminate research findings through publications on key eHealth research topics as a reference for governments and policy-makers.

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2015

Projects that Work

Projects that Work 2015

2015 Projects That Work Application Is Now Open

One of the unique features of the annual Network: TUFH conference is the Projects That Work competition. Now in its third year, the competition will provide representatives of up to five selected projects to attend the 2015 Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) conference in Pretoria, South Africa, September 12-16 the opportunity to showcase successful projects related to the 2015 conference theme “Education for Change”.  The competition is sponsored by FAIMER ( ), a Network partner organization, and that sponsorship includes air travel, hotel accommodation, and conference registration fees for the winners who will be selected by a distinguished international group of reviewers. Although registration for the conference is not yet open, watch this website for more information as it becomes available.

The purpose of the Projects That Work initiative is to recognize excellent projects that have succeeded beyond initial implementation and have had a significant impact on health, the community, or the school, as well as to encourage the development, implementation, and dissemination of more such projects.

Applications to Projects That Work must be submitted by May 15, 2015. To apply, click here.

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2015


Three Proven Qualities of Great Leaders: #2 Stability

Leadership isn't a mystical state or a gift that only some people have--it's a skill. As with any skill, there are do's and don'ts, yet it's easy to be blinded to these, particularly if you aren't getting direct feedback from the people you are leading. The Gallup Organization, as we discussed in the first post of this series, has done invaluable work by gathering data on the subject of leadership. They took the pragmatic step of asking followers, workers, and team members what they value most in a leader. This approach clears away the distortions that ego brings to the situation--there are many personal reasons, after all, for why bad or ineffective leaders believe they are successes when the reality is far otherwise.

The first quality in a good leader was trust,which we covered in the first post. The second is stability. Immediately this term brings job stability to mind, and that's been a major issue since the economic downturn of 2007. Everyone has needs. The most basic need, the one upon which everything else is built, is safety. Feeling safe and secure isn't guaranteed just because you have a job, but the opposite--feeling threatened in your survival--strikes countless people when they lose their jobs.

A leader who does all he can to keep his followers feeling safe will go a long way in their eyes. Such leaders buck the trend of history, because in the corporate setting, management has often been divided from labor, and the very idea that a manager should look out for the welfare of workers has been foreign. In other countries (e.g., Japan and Germany), this divide is replaced by a culture of cooperation, where management and workers accept joint responsibility for the success of the company. 

You and I can't change America's corporate climate, but as a leader, you can foster cooperation by adopting the belief that you are the key to preserving stability. This quality extends beyond basic job stability, which is basically controlled from the highest echelons. What you can influence enormously is psychological stability. Here are typical behaviors of a leader who fosters psychological stability.

-- They are predictable on a day-to-day basis.

-- They keep those around them informed.

-- They are inclusive about decision-making.

-- They don't freeze people out, giving no explanation why.

-- They allow freedom of choice as much as possible.

-- Their behavior isn't tyrannical.

-- They are open to reason.

-- They apply processes and procedures consistently.

If you follow these behaviors, you will make the situation around you more stable. The opposite behaviors, which increase instability, are often nothing less than childish. Young children act on impulse, go up and down according to their moods, and are untrained in process and procedure--they want what they want, without understanding what it might take to get there. Most adults are reluctant to admit when they are being childish, and this self-blindness makes them the kind of leader who is capricious, demanding, and a law unto himself. The people around them suffer the ill effects of psychological instability--fear, resentment, suppressed hostility, insecurity--that no one should have to put up with. 

If you sit back and take a hard look at your management style, let's hope you don't see a full-blown tyrant in your behavior. What's more common, and sometimes harder to see, are the following behaviors that create instability.

-- You hint at dissatisfaction without offering reasons why.

-- You criticize others in public.

-- You complain about problems without linking them to solutions.

-- You trust only a small circle of people.

-- You enforce rules inflexibly.

-- You arbitrarily move people in and out of positions of responsibility.

-- Your system of reward and punishment is unpredictable and inconsistent.

-- You dictate according to your mood.

-- You openly approve and disapprove of others; you show favoritism.

Only when taken to an extreme do these behaviors cost others their jobs, yet on a daily basis they can erode the atmosphere in the workplace quite severely. All the qualities of a great leader consist of thinking beyond your own narrow self-interest. It takes a secure person to help others with their potential insecurity, but that's exactly what a good leader does, and if you can reach even further, influencing the wellbeing of many others, you are potentially a great leader.

quarta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2015

Medical Research

The Anatomy of Medical Research

US and International Comparisons

Hamilton Moses III, MD; David H. M. Matheson, JD, MBA; Sarah Cairns-Smith, PhD; Benjamin P. George, MD, MPH; Chase Palisch, MPhil; E. Ray Dorsey, MD, MBA

JAMA. 2015;313(2):174-189. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.15939.


Medical research is a prerequisite of clinical advances, while health service research supports improved delivery, access, and cost. Few previous analyses have compared the United States with other developed countries.
To quantify total public and private investment and personnel (economic inputs) and to evaluate resulting patents, publications, drug and device approvals, and value created (economic outputs).
Evidence Review
Publicly available data from 1994 to 2012 were compiled showing trends in US and international research funding, productivity, and disease burden by source and industry type. Patents and publications (1981-2011) were evaluated using citation rates and impact factors.
(1) Reduced science investment: Total US funding increased 6% per year (1994-2004), but rate of growth declined to 0.8% per year (2004-2012), reaching $117 billion (4.5%) of total health care expenditures. Private sources increased from 46% (1994) to 58% (2012). Industry reduced early-stage research, favoring medical devices, bioengineered drugs, and late-stage clinical trials, particularly for cancer and rare diseases. National Insitutes of Health allocations correlate imperfectly with disease burden, with cancer and HIV/AIDS receiving disproportionate support. (2) Underfunding of service innovation: Health services research receives $5.0 billion (0.3% of total health care expenditures) or only 1/20th of science funding. Private insurers ranked last (0.04% of revenue) and health systems 19th (0.1% of revenue) among 22 industries in their investment in innovation. An increment of $8 billion to $15 billion yearly would occur if service firms were to reach median research and development funding. (3) Globalization: US government research funding declined from 57% (2004) to 50% (2012) of the global total, as did that of US companies (50% to 41%), with the total US (public plus private) share of global research funding declining from 57% to 44%. Asia, particularly China, tripled investment from $2.6 billion (2004) to $9.7 billion (2012) preferentially for education and personnel. The US share of life science patents declined from 57% (1981) to 51% (2011), as did those considered most valuable, from 73% (1981) to 59% (2011).
Conclusions and Relevance
New investment is required if the clinical value of past scientific discoveries and opportunities to improve care are to be fully realized. Sources could include repatriation of foreign capital, new innovation bonds, administrative savings, patent pools, and public-private risk sharing collaborations. Given international trends, the United States will relinquish its historical international lead in the next decade unless such measures are undertaken.


Resultado do processo de seleção para a Turma 2015 do FAIMER- Brasil

É com grande satisfação que anunciamos os colegas selecionados para a Turma 2015, que terá 40 integrantes,

bem como a de classificáveis.

Solicitamos a ajuda de todos(as) na divulgação, inclusive, quando possível, na página da instituição.

Selecionados FAIMER 2015
(em ordem alfabética)

Braulio Erison Franca dos Santos
Carolina Baraldi A. Restini
Christiane Motta Araujo
Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá
Debora Carvalho Ferreira
Edlaine Faria de Moura Villela
UFG – Jataí
Eleonora Ramos de Oliveira Ribeiro
Eugenio Pacelli de Barreto Teles
Fabiana Aparecida da Silva
Flávia Gomes Pileggi Gonçalves

Gerson Barbosa do Nascimento
UFRN Esc Multic
Ida Helena Carvalho Francescantoni
Irani Ferreira da Silva Gerab
Ivani Bursztyn
Jose Ivo dos Santos Pedrosa
Judith Rafaelle Oliveira Pinho
Júlio César André
FM SJ Rio Preto
Leila do Socorro da Silva Morais
Leonardo Carnut dos Santos

Lúcia Maria Soares de Azevedo

Luciana Maria de Andrade Ribeiro

Luis Fernando Boff Zarpelon

Luiza Carneiro Mareti Valente

Marcela Dohms

Marcelo Viana da Costa

Márcia Helena Fávero de Souza Tostes

Marcos Alex Mendes da Silva

Maria de Fatima Correa Pimenta Servi

Maria Inês Rebelo Gonçalves

Marianne de Vasconcelos Carvalho
UPE- Arcoverde

Paola Frassinetti Torres Ferreira da Costa

Reginaldo Antonio de Oliveira Freitas-Jr

Ricardo de Lima Lacerda

Sergio Geraldo Veloso

Silvana Araujo Tavares Ferreira

Sumaia Inaty Smaira

Tania Afonso Chaves

Valéria Lamb Corbellini

Vinicius Ximenes Muricy da Rocha

Walquíria Lemos Ribeiro da Silva Soares

Lista de classificáveis
 FAIMER 2015
(em ordem de chamada)

Rafael Kemp
Luiz Gutenberg Toledo de Miranda Coelho Jr.
Juliano Mendes de Souza
Glaucia Talita Possolli
Juliana Balbinot Reis Girondi
Raquel Aparecida de Oliveira
Fun São Paulo PUC
Rinaldo Antunes Barros
Silvia de Melo Cunha
Cintia Johnston
Lucilia Maria Nunes Falcão

Henry Campos - Eliana Amaral - Goretti Ribeiro

Neile Torres - Valdes Bollela - Paulo Marcondes Jr.