Why Failing Med Students Don’t Get Failing Grades
Doug Menuez/Getty Images
Tall and dark-haired, the third-year medical student always seemed to
be the first to arrive at the hospital and the last to leave, her white
coat perpetually weighed down by the books and notes she jammed into
the pockets. She appeared totally absorbed by her work, even exhausted
at times, and said little to anyone around her.
Except when she got frustrated.
I first noticed her when I overheard her quarreling with a nurse. A
few months later I heard her accuse another student of sabotaging her
work. And then one morning, I saw her storm off the wards after a senior
doctor corrected a presentation she had just given. “The patient never
told me that!” she cried. The nurses and I stood agape as we watched her
stamp her foot and walk away.
“Why don’t you just fail her?” one of the nurses asked the doctor.
“I can’t,” she sighed, explaining that the student did extremely well
on all her tests and worked harder than almost anyone in her class.
“The problem,” she said, “is that we have no multiple choice exams when
it comes to things like clinical intuition, communication skills and
bedside manner.”
Medical educators have long understood that good doctoring, like
ducks, elephants and obscenity, is easy to recognize but difficult to
quantify. And nowhere is the need to catalog those qualities more
explicit, and charged, than in the third year of medical school, when
students leave the lecture halls and begin to work with patients and
other clinicians in specialty-based courses referred to as “clerkships.”
In these clerkships, students are evaluated by senior doctors and
ranked on their nascent doctoring skills, with the highest-ranking
students going on to the most competitive training programs and jobs.
A student’s performance at this early stage, the traditional thinking went, would be predictive of how good a doctor she or he would eventually become.
But in the mid-1990s, a group of researchers decided to examine grading criteria
and asked directors of internal medicine clerkship courses across the
country how accurate and consistent they believed their grading to be.
Nearly half of the course directors believed that some form of grade
inflation existed, even within their own courses. Many said they had
increasing difficulty distinguishing students who could not achieve a
“minimum standard,” whatever that might be. And over 40 percent admitted
they had passed students who should have failed their course.
The study inspired a series of reforms aimed at improving how medical
educators evaluated students at this critical juncture in their
education. Some schools began instituting nifty mnemonics like RIME, or Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator,
for assessing progressive levels of student performance; others began
to call regular meetings to discuss grades; still others compiled
detailed evaluation forms that left little to the subjective
Now a new study published last month in the journal Teaching and Learning in Medicine
looks at the effects of these many efforts on the grading process. And
while the good news is that the rate of grade inflation in medical
schools is slower than in colleges and universities,
the not-so-good news is that little has changed. A majority of
clerkship directors still believe that grade inflation is an issue even
within their own courses; and over a third believe that students have
passed their course who probably should have failed.
“Grades don’t have a lot of meaning,” said Dr. Sara B. Fazio, lead
author of the paper and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard
Medical School who leads the internal medicine clerkship at the Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “‘Satisfactory’ is like the
kiss of death.”
About a quarter of the course directors surveyed believed that grade
inflation occurred because senior doctors were loath to deal with
students who could become angry, upset or even turn litigious over
grades. Some confessed to feeling pressure to help students get into
more selective internships and training programs.
But for many of these educators, the real issue was not flunking the
flagrantly unprofessional student, but rather evaluating and helping the
student who only needed a little extra help in transitioning from
classroom problem sets to real world patients. Most faculty received
little or no training or support in evaluating students, few came from
institutions that had remediation programs to which they could direct
students, and all worked under grading systems that were subjective and
not standardized.
Despite the disheartening findings, Dr. Fazio and her
co-investigators believe that several continuing initiatives may address
the evaluation issues. For example, residency training programs across
the country will soon be assessing all doctors-in-training with a national standards list,
a series of defined skills, or “competencies,” in areas like
interpersonal communication, professional behavior and
specialty-specific procedures. Over the next few years, medical schools
will likely be adopting a similar system for medical students, creating a
national standard for all institutions.
“There have to be unified, transparent and objective criteria,” Dr.
Fazio said. “Everyone should know what it means when we talk about
educating and training ‘good doctors.’”
“We will all be patients one day,” she added. “We have to think about
what kind of doctors we want to have now and in the future.”
2 comentários:
Muito interessante e sincrônico com nosso momento. Como avaliar os estudantes além do cognitivo? Com trazer um grau de objetividade para a subjetividade do aspecto atitudinal e afetivo da avaliação? São questões que nos esforçamos para responder quando reavaliamos nossos métodos de avaliação...quando começamos a usar vários instrumentos para avaliar as várias situações: provas objetivas, long-cases, mini-cex, OSCE etc...
No Brasil, quem define quem vai ser profissional da saúde de nível superior é o vestibular. Passou no vestibular, pode sair da faculdade bem ou mal formado mas sempre forma.
Excluídos os ingressantes que desistem (ou morrem) , quantos deixam de formar por não terem condições de exercer a profissão escolhida? E se pensarmos no currículo como processo que cada um percorre no seu ritmo, será que as taxas de retenção ( normal se considerarmos que alguns precisam de mais tempo que a média para alcançar os objetivos de um dado componente curricular ) reais não estão abaixo do que deveria ser esperado? Aprovamos mais do que devemos?
Será que este pressuposto de que todo médico ( p.ex. ) deve formar em 6 anos não contribue para a queda da qualidade dos profissionais ? Será que as Escolas formam mesmo maus médicos ou apenas jogam do mercado alguns profissionais que precisariam de 7 ou 8 ou mais anos para serem minimamente competentes ? São irremediavelmente ruins ou apenas precisam de mais investimento de tempo e atenção ?
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