Why is no value placed on teaching experience in UK universities?
It's time universities recognised the value of teaching experience instead of hiring based only on number of publications
Anonymous academic
'The corporatisation
of higher education disincentivises investments in teaching quality.'
Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian
After having slogged for three or four years (or seven if, like
me, you were part-time and juggling childcare) with sleepless nights and
too much caffeine, you stumble towards PhD completion and apply for a
temporary teaching
contract. Perhaps you think this is a natural first step to a permanent
post in academia, the proverbial "foot in the door"? Well, you'd be
As I, and many others like me, are finding to our
cost, no value is placed on teaching experience or ability in terms of
either hiring or promotion. In fact, this teaching experience is without
value if it's not accompanied by those all-important publications – the
one and only measure for employment in higher education today, most notably among "old" universities.
As a recent article on these pages
highlights, more than a third of the UK's total academic workforce is
on temporary contracts. This rises to more than half when zero-hours
teaching staff are included.
In the past three years I have
applied for well over 30 posts, and have only been successful on two
short-term teaching contracts, for which there was never any hope of
permanence or even renewal.
The reason is simple – I have
been told by people on hiring panels that how applications are sifted is
simply by skipping straight to the publications list. And if the
candidate does not have enough publications, it gets tossed aside,
regardless of the other experience they might have on their CV. So
having teaching experience doesn't hurt, but neither does it help.
picture isn't any better across the Atlantic. An adjunct professor, as
contractual or non-tenured academic staff in the US and Canada are often
termed, named Margaret Vojtko
died in Autumn 2013 penniless and nearly homeless. She had put in 25
years of contractual teaching contracts at Duquesne University, but
received no severance or retirement benefits.
This, it would seem, is not exceptional – over three quarters of American university faculty are now adjunct professors, with prospects for full-time permanent posts rapidly diminishing. In Canada, it is estimated that around half of all university teaching is done by contractual academics.
The first concern here is in relation to teaching quality. Sometimes what has come to be known as the corporatisation of higher education certainly disincentivises investments in teaching or teaching quality, and my experience echoes this.
have met some wonderful students with whom I might have nurtured a
longer-term relationship and whose feedback would have been valuable in
enhancing the teaching on the degree – but I have no incentive to invest
in the department in this way.
Universities are
increasingly using short-term contracts – ranging between eight and 11
months – to cover just the teaching period. This has the added benefit
to the university that there is no contractual obligation to re-employ,
making teaching staff the most vulnerable of all. I know of one case
where this has happened consecutively over a period of 15 years. But
this sort of temporary hiring represents significant short to
medium-term cost-savings.
As higher education is under increasing funding pressure, moving academics on to temporary contracts makes good "business" sense, but also suggests they are cheap and disposable.
Part of the reason for this imbalance is that the standing of a university is increasingly based on its ranking in research assessments like the research excellence framework (REF),
which only measures "impact" through the awarding of research income
and publishing profile. Surely with the introduction of £9,000 student
fees, effective, committed teaching needs also to be understood as a
form of income generation?
Although, increasingly,
teaching contract roles are specifying that they want candidates to be
"research active", this activity is not really factored into the
A full-time, permanent social science lecturer
does not, on average, have more than four to six contact hours per
semester, and has research time built into their contract.
my first contract post, by contrast, the teaching was rearranged so
that I taught an extra first-year course with 60 students in addition to
what the member of staff I was covering would have taught. In terms of
contact time – lectures and seminars – this meant anywhere from eight to
15 hours a week, which did not include preparation time, dissertation
supervision, office hours, marking or invigilation.
limited work opportunities, many pursue these jobs in the hope of being
kept on a more permanent basis. But in higher education, unlike in other
industries or sectors, teaching has no value and could not be
considered a "way in" to a more permanent post.
posts are now the reserve of candidates with long lists of publications
or funding, whether or not they are good teachers. The vast majority of
graduates are more likely to drift from one dead-end teaching contract
to the next with no prospect of permanent employment and no other avenue
for support while they try to get publications out.
It is a
vicious circle, and a completely unfair one at that. Surely it is time
universities recognised teaching as an important professional skill with
its own hiring and promotion pathway.
This week's anonymous academic is a lecturer at a Russell Group university.
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